2009-05-25 – Last Lecture given at the «E. Beltrami» High School in Cremona (Italy).
Speakers – Marcello Mazzetti and Livio Ticli.
Seminar-concerts which focused close relation between Poetry and Music, in Italy, from 13th until 16th cent. The theoretical-practical meeting was conduced by Marcello Mazzetti and Livio Ticli and it oriented towards students, teachers and lovers.
Music – Palma Choralis Ensemble:
Marcello Mazzetti, lute & voice
Rika Murata, gamba & lirone
Livio Ticli, recorder & voice
Excerpts from performed pieces:
0’00” Intro: A legend is sung (The Sword in the Stone)
0’58” Scorto da te mio nume, Orfeo – C. Monteverdi, Orfeo (1607) / Hell scene from Monteverdi’s Orfeo
1’38” Ecco l’atra palude, Speranza – C. Monteverdi, Orfeo (1607) / Hope scene from Monteverdi’s Orfeo
2’00” Oseleto selvazo – J. da Bologna / Italian Ars Nova (14th cent.)
2’38” Lo meo servente core, Canzone – Dante Alighieri / Arrangement from a poem by Dante
2’54” Funeste piagge, Orfeo – J. Peri, Euridice (1600) / Hell scene from Peri’s Euridice
4’46” Gabriel angelus apparuit, monodic chant from an italian manuscript (ms. Fonteavellana)
5’28” Al Canto al ballo, Pastori – G. Caccini, Euridice (1600) / Pastoral scene from Caccini’s Euridice