Gambara Family: a Brescian Soundscape

Italian Sacred Music (1550-1640) - Research ProjThis project area (included in the Main Research Area Brescia’s Soundscape) focuses on the role of Gambaras (16-17th cent.) paying particular attention to their artistic patronage, their relationship with music and culture and, generally, to their influence in Brescia and North Italy.





Related material


Mazzetti, Marcello, and Livio Ticli. ‘Per «il mantenimento d’una compitissima Musica». Il soundscape gambaresco fra diletto domestico, erudizione accademica e mecenatismo’. In I Gambara fra diplomazia, cultura materiale e mecenatismo, secoli XVI e XVII, edited by Barbara Bettoni. La società moderna e contemporanea. Milano: FrancoAngeli, 2019. [forthcoming]
Documentary and Music Appendix – PDF


2018-11-16 Brescia | Tasso Music Festival | “Bianchi cigni e canori. Musica all’epoca di Torquato Tasso e Francesco Gambara”
Concert by Palma Choralis Early Music Ensemble (dir. Livio Ticli & Marcello Mazzetti) in cooperation with Ateneo di Brescia · Accademia di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti and the Study Day “Ambizioni nobiliari e agi di città. I Gambara tra diplomazia, modelli di consumo e mecenatismo (secc. XVI-XVII)

Online resources

Documentary and Music Appendix – PDF


Related projects

- Tasso Music Festival (Brescia, Italy)

- Latest news about Tasso Music Festival