Support us

DonatePalma Choralis has been as yet a self-financing entity which since 2006 has planned and conducted its activity through founders’ investment, self-promotion and commitment of supporters and sympathizers.

Now we need you to go on with all our activities…please support us and make a donation!

Even your one-off donation will support our activities – music, education, research, popularisation, etc. – and will make a difference!



Palma choralis con il Gruppo di Ricerca e l’Ensemble di Musica Antica ha ideato e condotto dal 2006 numerosi programmi concertistici, masterclass, conferenze e attività di alta divulgazione scientifica all’interno di contesti che ne hanno valorizzato l’articolata ricerca musicale, autopromossa e autofinanziata grazie all’investimento diretto dei fondatori M. Mazzetti e L. Ticli e all’impegno dei propri sostenitori e simpatizzanti.

Ora abbiamo bisogno di te per andare avanti con le nostre attività… sostienici anche tu e fai una donazione!

Anche la tua donazione una tantum sosterrà le nostre attività – nel campo della musica, didattica, ricerca, divulgazione, ecc. – e farà la differenza!


If you believe Culture and Music are still important even in these hard times, please support us!

We are trying to carry on with all our activities because we believe is essential still now bringing Beauty to the world… Our supporters can also:

• Like our Official page on Facebook

• Share our website and official page on your social (click on the social sidebar!)

• Like and Share our posts and events on your social (click on the social sidebar as well!)

• Share our contents and media on your profile to let your friends know about our activities

• E-mail us (subject: “subscription”) and subscribe our newsletter to be up to date about our activities

• Click on our side banners ads

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…Thank you so much!