Category Video

Video: Maria Savorgnan, Questa fiama ch’è sì lenta


«Un sidio d’amore». Parole e musica per Maria Savorgnan

Dal carteggio d’amore di Maria Savorgnan e Pietro Bembo

2022-10-04 – h. 16.30-18.00
Teatro Auditorium Santa Margherita, Università Ca’ Foscari
(Via Dorsoduro, 3689, 30123 Campo Santa Margherita, Venezia, Italy)

Maria Savorgnan Sidio D'Amore

«Il programma musicale presentato dall’Ensemble Palma Choralis percorre due direttrici principali. Innanzitutto, si è voluto dare voce ad alcune liriche che costellano il Carteggio d’amore di Maria Savorgnan e Pietro Bembo sfruttando il formulario di intonazioni ben note all’epoca dei due amanti e tràdite da manoscritti e stampe a cavaliere fra XV e XVI secolo, con le quali sovente cortigiani, nobili e letterati si dilettavano a vestire musicalmente (se non creare ex nihilo) rime su soggetti diversi...

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Video: Puer natus à 4, Contrapunctus Lyon (1528)

Puer natus à 4, Contrapunctus Lyon (1528) Palma Choralis

Fra Venezia e Roma: quando la didattica musicale fa Scuola

Conferenza & Concerto

2015-12-15 – h. 18.00-20.15
Rettoria e Chiesa di Sant’Ivo alla Sapienza (Corso del Rinascimento 40, Roma, Italy)

Pedagogia e Prassi della Musica Antica - Roma 2015

Description: «The music programme puts together different styles, compositional techniques and ways of performing  employed in Rome and Venice…» [...] Read more!

Performance: Gregorian chant and works by Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina, Adrian Willaert, Floriano Canale, Giovanni Francesco Anerio.

Maria Bayley · Cantus
Livio Ticli · Altus
Isaac Alonso de Molina · Tenor
Marcello Mazzetti · Bassus

Palma Choralis · Research Group & Early Music Ensemble
M. Mazzetti & L. Ticli · Music Directors



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Video: F. Canale · Vespro della Beata Vergine

Canale Vespro della Beata Vergine Palma Choralis

Vespro della Beata Vergine by Floriano Canale, organist and composer from Brescia

2014-10-25 – h. 21.00
Chiesa S. Giovanni Evangelista (Contrada S. Giovanni 12, Brescia, Italy)

Vespro della Beata VergineDescription: « Vespro della Beata Vergine for the celebration ‘In Dedicatione Ecclesiae’ · Canale Festival · Rassegna culturale in onore di Floriano Canale: world premiere of vocal…» [...] Read more!

Performance: Vocal polyphony, instrumental music and solo motets by Floriano Canale and other composers from 16th-17th cent. Brescia.

Palma Choralis® · Research Group & Early Music Ensemble
Anna Bessi, Chiara Colm, Maria Chiara Di Gregorio, Isabella Di Pietro, Graziano Ghisolfi, Mattia San Lorenzo  • Cantores
Marcello Mazzetti • Voice, Renaissance lute and gamba
Livio Ticli • Voice and harpsichord...

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Video: Contrapunto alla mente 5-8 voices | Palma Choralis EDU

Contrappunto alla mente 5-8 voices - Palma Choralis EDU 2015

«Psallite Sapienter» · Early Music Course 2015

Dipartimento delle Arti Visive · Performative · Mediali (Bologna University)
February · March 2015
Palazzo Marescotti (via Barberia 4, Bologna, Italy)

For Psallite Sapienter · Early Music Course 2015

«The intensive course for Master/PhD students in Musicology (24h) deals with several issues about improvisation and ornamentation within learning processes in 15th-17th cent. repertoire, as well as…» [...] Read more!

B. Bottazzi, Choro et organo, Venezia, 1614: Kyrie Cunctipotens (cantus firmus)
Improvised Counterpoint: formulas from
- S. Cerreto, Della Prattica musica vocale & strumentale, Napoli 1601
- A. Banchieri, Cartella Musicale, Venezia 1614
- G. B. Rossi, Organo de’ Cantori, Venezia, 1618

MA/PhD stude...

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Video: Earliest Piece of Polyphonic Music

Earliest Piece Polyphonic Music - Palma Choralis

The Earliest Piece of Polyphonic Music Discovered by Giovanni Varelli

Cremona (Italy), Chiesa di S. Bassano

See The Earliest Piece of Polyphonic Music Discovered by Giovanni Varelli

Earliest Piece of Polyphonic Music - Palma ChoralisDescription: «In 2011 Giovanni Varelli, working on his paper «Early Source for Two-Voice Organa in British Library, Harley 3019» for several international conferences (Med-Ren, Cantus Planus…), asked Palma Choralis’ cooperation in performing and recording both antiphon and organum “Sancte Bonifati martyr”. Thus, we are pleased…» [...] Read more!

Palma Choralis vocal ensemble

Livio Ticli Vox principalis
Marcello Mazzetti Vox organalis




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Video: Valerio Bona · O Salutaris Hostia

Floriano Canale Sacrae Cantiones preview

Preview to the critical edition of 4-voice Sacrae Cantiones (1581) by Floriano Canale

2013-10-25 – h. 18.00
Brescia (Italy), Chiesa di S. Giovanni Evangelista

For F. Canale musico bresciano ‘In Ecclesia D. Ioannis Evangelistae’ – Florianus Canalis · Opera omnia Project

Anteprima Sacrae Cantiones (1581) di Floriano Canale (BS)Description: «The lecture and concert preview to the critical edition of Sacrae Cantiones (1581) by Floriano Canale – theologian, musician, organist and philosophus naturalis of the Canons Regular of SS. Salvatore – offer to the audience the possibility to…» [...] Read more!

Performance: Gregorian chant and Renaissance Polyphony. Music by F. Canale e V. Bona and other composers from late 16th cent. Brescia.

Palma Choralis vocal and instrumental ensemble

Maria Chiara Di Gregorio, Isabella Di Pietro, ...

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Video: Officium Stellae (CAS 2012)

Officium Stellae 2009

Teleradiocremona TV Reportage by Stefano Priori

Officium Stellae. Sacred Representation for the Epiphany of our Lord Jesus Christ”

2012-12-21 – h. 20.45
St. Hilary Church, Cremona (Italy)

For Conditor alme siderum 2012 · International Cultural festival between Arts · Music · Science · Faith, 3rd edition

Foto Officium StellaeDescription: «The spectacle Officium Stellae, premiered in Cremona (after Brescia 2009), is the result of researching both on medieval musical/liturgical sources and on respective Renaissance evidences. So, we conceived the idea to present to modern audience Officium Stellae, a liturgical drama documented…» [...] Read more!

Performance: Gregorian chant, Medieval and Renaissance Polyphony. Music from Calixtinus Codex and by G.M. Asola, G.P. Cima, S. Calvisius.


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Video: Stravaganze & Urtoni son tutte gratie – Lecture in Ferrara

0. Conferenza

Plainchant between ‘alla mente’ counterpoint and written polyphony

2011-04-20 – Lecture given at the «G. Frescobaldi» Conservatory in Ferrara (Italy).
Speaker – Marcello Mazzetti.

The lecture oriented towards graduate students and professors and was conducted by Marcello Mazzetti.

Music – Palma Choralis Ensemble: G.M. Asola, ps. 81.1 “Exultate Deo” from “Cibavit eos” Introitus ad Missam SS. Corporis et Sanguinis Christi
[Augsburg, Staats-, Stadtbibliothek, ms. Tonk. Schl. 26 (Augsburg, 1578)]



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Video: Stravaganze & Urtoni son tutte gratie – Workshop in Ferrara

Locandina Stravaganze e urtoni 2011 (FE)

Plainchant between ‘alla mente’ counterpoint and written polyphony

2011-04-20 – Workshop held at the «G. Frescobaldi» Conservatory in Ferrara (Italy).

The workshop oriented towards under-graduate and graduate students and was conducted by Marcello Mazzetti and Livio Ticli.

Students’ first steps (rehersals)
1:55 Palma Choralis Ensemble – B. Bottazzi, Kyrie primus in Missis Apostolorum, & in festis duplicibus from «Choro et Organo» (1614).



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Video: Music and Harmoniae suggestions from the Three Crowns of Florence


2009-05-25 – Last Lecture given at the «E. Beltrami» High School in Cremona (Italy).
Speakers – Marcello Mazzetti and Livio Ticli.

Seminar-concerts which focused close relation between Poetry and Music, in Italy, from 13th until 16th cent. The theoretical-practical meeting was conduced by Marcello Mazzetti and Livio Ticli and it oriented towards students, teachers and lovers.

Music – Palma Choralis Ensemble:
Marcello Mazzetti,  lute & voice
Rika Murata, gamba & lirone
Livio Ticli, recorder & voice


Excerpts from performed pieces:
0’00” Intro: A legend is sung (The Sword in the Stone)
0’58” Scorto da te mio nume, Orfeo – C. Monteverdi, Orfeo (1607) / Hell scene from Monteverdi’s Orfeo
1’38” Ecco l’atra palude, Speranza – C...

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