Category Research

Early Music Pedagogy Then and Now 2022


«Early Music Pedagogy Then and Now»

International Conference

Aula Magna del Polo Culturale Diocesano (Via Bollani 20, Brescia, Italy)

Note sala


Organized by
Palma Choralis® Research Group
Istituto Italiano di Musica Antica
Centro Studi Opera Omnia Luigi Boccherini, Lucca
Italian Institute for Applied Musicology

Keynote Speakers
Barnabé Janin (Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique et de Danse de Lyon)
Laurie Stras (University of Huddersfield, UK)

Palma-ChoralisFrom 9 to 11 December 2022, the international conference “Early Music Pedagogy Then and Now. From the Classical Antiquity to the Renaissance” will be held in Brescia at the Auditorium of the Diocesan Cultural Centre (via Bollani 20, Brescia)...

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Early Music Department Brescia – DipMusAnt Brescia 2021-22



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Early Music Department Brescia

Marcello Mazzetti & Livio Ticli | Heads

Palma Choralis® · Research Group & Early Music Ensemble

Next dates and projects of the Early Music Department “Città di Brescia”

Education Programmes 2021-22 (starting 26th Nov 2021)

• Academic Courses and Training for Professionals, Students
• One-Year Courses/Individual Tuition/Single modules (Non-Academic Courses)
• Master (one- or two-year) Programmes in Early Music Performance Practice and Pedagogy
• Life-long Learning for Adults, Enthusiasts and Beginners (Choral Workshop and Renaissance Music Culture)
• Early Music Prep-Courses for Singers and Players (6-18 aged...

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Tasso Music Festival


Tasso Music Festival

Tasso Music Festival

Festival diffuso per la valorizzazione del Tasso in Music Project

Ferrara, Bergamo, Bologna, Brescia – 2018-2019

Arriva il Tasso Music Festival!

L’8 novembre 2018 prenderà il via il Tasso Music Festival, rassegna diffusa fra le città di Ferrara, Bergamo, Bologna e Brescia in collaborazione con il TiMP sostenuto dalle università americane University of Stanford e University of Massachusetts–Amherst: prevede moltissimi eventi che spaziano dalla giornata di studio alla conferenza divulgativa, dalla mostra di stampe e manoscritti rari alle performance, dagli incontri con la musica a workshop e concerti…

Tasso Music Festival TAGS

# Musica & Poesia al tempo del Tasso (1570-1640)
#Madrigali, Arie e canzonette fra  rinascimento e barocco it...

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USA 2018

UMass Amherst Palma Choralis 2016_2

2018 Spring
The Five College Early Music Program, MA (USA)
The Massachusetts Center for Interdisciplinary Renaissance Studies · Amherst, MA (USA)
The Mount Holyoke College (MA, USA)
The Folger Theatre and Shakespeare Library

UMass Amherst Palma Choralis 2016_2We are proud to announce that Palma Choralis directors Prof Marcello Mazzetti and Prof Livio Ticli have been invited by Prof Robert Eisenstein, The Folger Theatre and Shakespeare Library, The Five College Early Music Program and Mount Holyoke College for having a residency and touring USA in the Spring 2018. 

As Early Music experts and managers they are presenting several projects of cultural exchange with Palma Choralis and the city of Brescia to foster and re-discover the music heritage of Renaissance and Baroque Italy...

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Cultura musicale bresciana (Brescia, May 2018)


Cultura Musicale Bresciana. Testimonianze e Reperti di una civiltà


Ateneo di Brescia · Accademia di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti
h 17.00 – 4th May 2018
Salone delle Adunanze – Palazzo Tosio (via Tosio 12, Brescia – Italy)

annali-storia-bresciana-mazzetti-ticli-palma-choralis-2017A new unmissable book about Brescian music and culture is finally out: it was presented in Brescia on May 4, 2018.

Barezzani, Maria Teresa Rosa, and Mariella Sala, eds. Cultura musicale bresciana. Reperti e testimonianze di una civiltà. Annali di storia bresciana, 5 (2017). Brescia: Morcelliana, 2017.

We are very proud our directors Marcello Mazzetti and Livio Ticli collaborated on the book editing...

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Cultura Musicale Bresciana · Presentation & Concert


ITACultura Musicale Bresciana. Testimonianze e Reperti di una civiltà

Conference and Concerts


Ateneo di Brescia · Accademia di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti
h 18.00-19.00 – 18 November 2016
Salone delle Adunanze – Palazzo Tosio (via Tosio 12, Brescia – Italy)

Pupils and Masters in late 16th century Brescia
by Marcello Mazzetti

Performance Practice and Improvisation in Cinquecento Sacred Music from Brescia 
by Livio Ticli

Concert offered by

Palma Choralis® · Early Music Ensemble
Students of the Early Music Department · Brescia
Fondazione Diocesana “S. Cecilia” & Palma Choralis

Foto Musàicum Festival Palma ChoralisMaria Bayley · Cantus
Livio Ticli · Altus
Isaac Alonso de Molina · Tenor
Marcello Mazzetti · Bassus
Anna Giulia Serena, Alberto Pozzaglio, Dirk Schneider · Cantores

Marcello Mazzetti & Livio...

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USA 2016

UMass Amherst Palma Choralis 2016_2

2016 Mar-Apr
Department of Music & Dance · UMass Amherst, MA (USA)
The Massachusetts Center for Interdisciplinary Renaissance Studies · Amherst, MA (USA)
Italian Madrigal Festival
Tasso in Music Project

UMass Amherst Palma Choralis 2016_2We are very pleased to announce that Palma Choralis directors Marcello Mazzetti and Livio Ticli have been awarded by Worldwide University Network (WUN) for staying at UMass Amherst, MA (USA) in March-April 2016.

As Visiting scholars from the University of Southampton (UK), they will join the Tasso in Music Project team headed by Prof Emiliano Ricciardi, an international-leading research project across Humanities involving scholars from the USA and Europe with the technical support of Stanford University, and focussing on ultimate editorial methods and digital encoding techniques in m...

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Psallite sapienter · Early Music Course 2016

Psallite Sapienter 2016 Palma Choralis

2° Corso di Pedagogia Musicale e Prassi della Musica “Antica”

Dipartimento delle Arti Visive · Performative · Mediali (Università di Bologna)
Marzo 2015
Palazzo Marescotti (via Barberia 4, Bologna, Italy)

Psallite Sapienter 2016 Palma Choralis

Palma Choralis® · Research Group & Early Music Ensemble
Docenti · dott. Marcello Mazzetti & dott. Livio Ticli

Coordinatore · prof. Cesarino Ruini

Saranno affrontate alcune questioni a cavallo fra teoria musicale e prassi esecutiva dei secoli XVI-XVII, come l’evoluzione del sistema mensurale e la fruizione del repertorio sacro e profano alla luce dei possibili contesti performativi evinti dalle cronache e da fonti dirette e indirette...

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Mapping the Post-Tridentine Motet – Conference


Mapping the post-Tridentine motet (ca. 1560-ca. 1610): Text, style and performance

Department of Music · University Park, University of Nottingham (UK)

Palma Choralis® · Research Group
Marcello Mazzetti
Livio Ticli

Post-Tridentine-motet-Nottingham-2015-Palma-Choralis_We are pleased to announce we are participating in the Conference Mapping the post-Tridentine motet  as delegates, presenting a paper entitled “Canons regular in post-Tridentine musical landscape: Floriano Canale’s Sacrae cantiones of 1581”.

Carrying out research on the Congregation of Ss. Salvatore’s Canons Regular as you may find on our project Canons Regular Music and Liturgy (included in the Main Research Area Italian Sacred Music) and some results will be presented during the conference. 


Post-Tridentine motet - Nottingham 2015 - Palma Choralis«The Canon Regular Floriano Canale (?1541...

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Psallite sapienter · Early Music Course 2015


1° Corso di Pedagogia Musicale e Prassi della Musica “Antica”

Dipartimento delle Arti Visive · Performative · Mediali (Università di Bologna)
Febbraio · Marzo 2015
Palazzo Marescotti (via Barberia 4, Bologna, Italy)

Psallite Sapienter 2015 Palma Choralis

Palma Choralis® · Research Group & Early Music Ensemble
Docenti · dott. Marcello Mazzetti & dott. Livio Ticli

Coordinatore · prof. Cesarino Ruini

A fronte di un’ingente mole di fonti primarie e secondarie sulla prassi esecutiva della musica antica disponibili sul web grazie a diversi progetti di digitalizzazione documentaria, non corrisponde, tuttavia, un significativo riscontro in termini di performance artistica...

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